Monday, February 1, 2010

2nd Fill ~ Gurgle Gurgle Gurgle

One more CC in this snazzy little band buddy of mine. Up to 4 CC in my 10CC band, I felt it gurgling as it filled. What a difference, at least for now. They gave me a bottle of water and asked me to drink half of it before I left the office....and it took about 15-20 minutes. I know everyone's experiences with fill's are different but I sure have been pleasantly surprised so far. My doc doesn't use any topical anesthetic and the little tiny needle stick I feel is no big deal. I've never had a problem with needles in general but honestly, I am amazed at just how much of a "non-incident" it really is. I'm lucky, I know lots of people have to travel miles and miles for their appointments. My doctor's office is less then 5 miles away and I can go over my lunch hour.

Some of the nurses in my doctor's office are banded. They told me it's not unusual for patients to gain weight after their first fill, their philosophy is that we start out with a conservative restriction and gradually work up to that lovely "green zone" we're all aiming for so in the meantime, it can kind of be up and down as we find our way, the way that works best for us.....which foods, what amounts, when to eat etc. As evidenced by everyone's stories in the blogs I read, it really is an experience that's unique to each of us.

It's snowing again. Again!!!!!!! A coworker said it best......we're all living in a big snow globe and someone just keeps shaking it up. It is falling straight down today in big, romantic flakes. Looks just like Christmas. Except ho-ho-ho it isn't and we're kinda wanting to move along into spring now, Mother Nature. Put your hands in the air and step back from the globe, lady!!!!!

Now let's see which one of these fine liquid selections in my refrigerator get to be my dinner? And breakfast? And lunch....and.....and....


  1. Great news about the fill! The water test sounds promising. Even with good restriction I can usually gulp liquids!

    I did have some restriction with 4 ccs. But 6 ccs is when I really started going into the green zone. Different for everyone!

  2. Baby steps, baby steps, I keep reminding myself to just enjoy and be content because baby steps add up just like big steps. Maybe not quite so fast, but they do add up. Sometimes I forget, I didn't get to be fat and fifty overnight :))
